5 Reasons to Schedule a Fall Furnace Clean and Check

As the leaves change color here in Ohio, our team at Schar Heating & Cooling is preparing for an important time of the year—furnace inspection season.
Your home heating system has been on vacation since your air conditioner stepped in for the summer. Now, your furnace is on deck again, waiting to keep your family toasty.
Fall is the perfect time to remember to call in to schedule furnace maintenance. We recommend having each piece of your HVAC equipment inspected and cleaned once during the season. As long as it is done once per year, it really doesn’t matter if the inspection is performed at the beginning or end of the season. You want to be sure all of your equipment parts are working, so you don’t have any surprises this winter.
It’s also an excellent season for furnace installation or replacement. If you’ve had your furnace for 15 years or longer, ask our Schar Heating & Cooling specialist to assess its condition. You’ll be pleased to know that furnaces have gotten much more efficient in recent years.
Replacing your old furnace could pay off massively in monthly savings and reduce your carbon footprint. For example, upgrading your old gas furnace to a new model with 90 percent efficiency could save 1.5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year, according to the US Department of Energy (DOE).
Here are some of the benefits of scheduling maintenance for your furnace this season:
1. Keep Your Family Safe From Health Hazards
Your safety is the most important reason to schedule maintenance for your furnace this fall. Your HVAC specialist will inspect for any issues that could pose a danger to your Ohio household. For instance, a cracked heat exchanger can cause a potentially deadly carbon monoxide (CO) leak. Your specialist will also look for other issues that could impact your indoor air quality (IAQ), such as mold growth.
2. You Pay Less For Monthly Utilities
Dusty, clogged furnaces are stubborn workers, sucking up more energy and providing inadequate airflow. Your HVAC specialist will scrub your furnaces, lubricate all moving parts, and change the air filter to ensure a smooth operation.
3. Avoid Surprise Breakdowns
Many serious issues with your furnace are preventable if your HVAC specialist catches them early on. In the event your furnace breaks in the wee hours of the morning, we promise to get there as quickly as possible. However, we highly recommend preventative maintenance—you’ll avoid a rude awakening on a winter’s night and a potentially costly repair.
4. Your Furnace Will Last Longer
Routine maintenance is vital for a furnace’s health. When you skip scheduled upkeep, you can shorten its lifespan. Dust, soot, and rust make the internal parts overwork themselves, leading to wear-and-tear damage. To get the most out of your investment, be sure it stays in good condition.
5. You Will Protect Your Warranty
Check your manufacturer’s warranty—it likely has a clause requiring planned maintenance. Scheduling a seasonal tune-up keeps your equipment in compliance with your warranty and could potentially save you thousands of dollars in the event your furnace breaks down.
Call Us Today for Your Fall Maintenance
Schar Heating & Cooling has a crew of highly knowledgeable, hardworking, and friendly professionals ready to help. Whether your system needs a tune-up or repair, we can deliver. Call our Rittman, OH, offices at (330) 927-1125 or request service online today.